A life-changing, death-changing experience. Deathbed Skiing is a new and different way to make your exit: starting on the side of a mountain, and ending in a luscious fruiting forest of dreams.
Come and immerse yourself in a Black Run, catapulting down to the Last Breath. Even if you’re not quite yet an international skier, you are definitely an expert on the best sorts of living and loving. And you can choose an exit as stylish and individual as you want to be.
So, look deep into your soul as someone else Blinks.
Bathe in the music from our ancient Singing Bowls.
You will never think of death in the same way again.
Since truly, this is Ultimate Living.

An intimate performance with spoken word, choreography and wrap-around video. With a chance to join in – or not – when we get deep into the Forest
Some flashing lights and occasional bangs. BSL signing.
Tickets via the Tara Box Office: 020 8333 4457 https://www.tara-arts.com/whats-on /