As part of Heads Up, this making workshop explored haptic perception – the process of recognising objects by way of touch and movement. The aim was to guide participants in translating objects into drawings. We started by drawing objects we were given in bags – with NO PEEKING! Here’s my first two objects:
Then we tried not looking at the drawing, as well as not looking at the object. Here it is:
This object was a puzzle – lemon-like, with one smooth and one ridged end. Although it was much more ornate than this drawing, I wanted to emphasize the deep long pit I didnt feel straight away, but which – once I’d found it – kept calling to my fingers.
After that, we were given much more time with another object. This time, although we did start ‘blind’, we were allowed to look if we wanted to. And after a while I wanted to look!
TOP page: this was feeling blind – a vague shape, with multiple frillsFirst look: I get a better idea of the shape, and see the frillsSecond look: the overall shape is square-ended, with a tapered top endThird look: The fine details