Sapphire Goss invited me to take part in a lockdown ‘exquisite corpse’ experimental film.
In this Surrealist method, words or images are created as a group – sequentially but blindly – each person only sees the last fragment of whatever the previous person has made.
The overall theme was Interiors – and I had a plan, until I saw my two frame prompt:

Then I immediately knew what I had to do – to build on Hassan Akkad’s White Cliffs of Dover speech on migrants.
Hassan kindly allowed me to use his words. So I added more specific evidence.
And then I showed Turner’s Slave Ship – as an example of how powerful people blithely consign the less powerful to their doom.
I animated how Boris throwing 30,000 of our elders ‘overboard’ when the UK government didn’t protect care home residents and workers in the first Covid wave.
Sapphire edited out both the extent of the deaths, and also my cartoon of Boris ripping up international law as he gets Brexit ‘done’:

But you can see the whole 90 seconds here:
The whole composite corpse will be launched in the November Moving Image Artists Journal
I Love these outputs – and the exquisite corpse idea. It has given me an idea to do something similar with music and my muso collaborators – Thankyou for sharing