Ive been trying to submit to this competitition
They seem to be looking for photographs showing rapid small-scale movement?
I want to show much more fundamental movement: that of the Earth rotating round the Sun, and the Moon rotating round the Earth and Sun.
Of course it appears as though we on the Earth are stationary – and the heavenly bodies are moving.
I’m submitting one photograph (caroline_mawer1 – up above), showing the Sun (apparently) coming up as the moon (apparently) goes down.
Plus a montage (caroline_mawer2) of photographs that I took opportunistically through one stormy night. The moon ‘rises’ outside my front door, then ‘sails across’ the building I live in and goes down into the building I can see from my balcony. The moon woke me up every few hours to take this series of photos. Which I glued together digitally.
As a Muslim, I also want to share how the Holy Quran writes about the movement of the heavenly bodies so poetically and scientifically:
– .. the moon a [reflected] light and the sun a burning lamp. Quran 71/16
– It is not for the Sun to overtake the moon nor for the night to outstrip the day but each, in an orbit is swimming: Quran 36/40
I would like to exhibit the montage as one image, though its made up of six constructed photos (mawer2.a-2.f) – which means that I’m submitting a total of seven. Shown as two.

Heres a six-image montage – showing the moon moving through one night. Though of course the earth is moving too.
Heres the six images – if accepted, I’d need to resize them to fit in the space.

Dusk from my flat

I took this photo from my front door. Heres a half-moon ‘coming up’. Im showing how I saw the moon at that time – with my multiple visual impairments. I could change this to show a more conventional moon if you want. But this is what i saw.

A few hours later, the moon has flown over the building I live in. In complete darkness, I can only see a glowing blur for the moon. Over my balcony – showing movement of another type as plants grow (check out the fruiting lemon tree.)
This above merges two photos a few hours apart.

Two more photos a few hours apart.
I went to sleep. And then a few hours later, I woke up with a start – feeling very strongly that the moon was calling me to take another photo. Sleepy – and very cold – i snapped another photo. knowing that if the moon wanted me again, she’d wake me up.
And she did – at which point I saw that the night was ending so I stayed awake – to see what would happen.

Two more photos a few hours apart.
The colour changes in the sky reflect the movement of the sun – its slowly ‘coming up’.
Really interesting for me to see – im brought up in Kenya where our position on the Equator means the sun ‘comes up’ a lot faster than here.

Dawn. Looking wider around here’s the first sight of the sun ‘coming up’ – not just the sky lightening.
What a special night!
But this happens every night.
I refer you back to two quotes from the Holy Quran:
– .. the moon a [reflected] light and the sun a burning lamp. Quran 71/16
– It is not for the Sun to overtake the moon nor for the night to outstrip the day but each, in an orbit is swimming: Quran 36/40