Let me tell you straight away that I don’t know ANYTHING about life drawing!
But of course thats not stopping me trying!
After all, the first time ANYONE tries to walk, they fall over and don’t look exactly expert. Slowly, slowly most of us improve at walking.
And I’m hoping that if I get the chance to practice, I might get a bit better at life drawing. [smily face emoji]
At the Wallace Collection, there are regular sessions for visually impaired people with audio-description of selected pieces – and then some life drawing, with a very helpful tutor.
Here are my first drawings:

This drawing snuck over the paper’s edges. I turned the paper round after I didn’t like the first curve, in blue.

Look at the model’s gorgeous neck, and the beautiful pose of her hand.
Everyone else in the group at the Wallace made charcoal or other detailed black-shaded drawings. So I tried that – with the model in a very difficult twisted posture:

Look what a mess I made of her feet! Though I’d like to point out that Diego Velazquez got the feet and hands not exactly perfect in his sublime Toilet of Venus / the Rokeby Venus: