Camden postcards: air pollution

facing left: my photo of gorgeous Brunswick Plan in late spring, in front of Brunswick centre. Right half: very high air pollution shown on website report.

Part of Camden’s Adult community learning included a callout to create postcards.Im a climate activist – with a Breathe London monitor, and working with Global Action plan. So , obviously, I wanted to do something on local air pollution. I think produces great graphics.So I’ve linked my photos with the relevant postcode data. I …

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What the party manifestos should cover on health and social care but probably won’t

David Oliver wrote an article on this in the BMJ(1). But he didnt mention clean air. I sent a rapid response saying …Surely we also need a Clean Air Election.Everyone took notice when 230,000 people died from Covid in the UK in the last four years. There was lots of money. Lots of ideas. Incidentally, also …

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We all need clean air – so we need a clean air election. Labour is ahead in the polls – which gives them space to do the Right Thing(s). Sadiq Khan’s election victory proved that sticking to principles can work – and that its not just Sadiq that’s not wedded to motonormativity. 1. So lets campaign! For much …

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Can voting / activism make a difference? How? DRAFT

Im personally keen on activism. But does it make a real difference to air pollution / the climate crisis? The journal Scientific American (Sci. Am.) has reviewed this (i summarised their work here). They say: governments and companies “need to do the lion’s share of the work”, but ordinary people also need to make changes …

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Is the area where I live a problem? DRAFT

If you’re in a high risk group, please sign up for an automatic text advisory service for spikes of bad air pollution. But different areas also have different ongoing or ‘baseline’ levels of air pollution. Please don’t assume you live in a ‘clean air’ area!I can see one of the top ten trees in London from …

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What about the transport we use: cars / public transport / active travel DRAFT

There’s good news .. and bad news : The good news: Small particle (PM2.5) emissions from road transport have reduced very significantly.This follows improved vehicle design – and road traffic controls like ULEZ in London. Pedestrians experience less pollution than drivers and passengers inside vehicles. Its even better if you can walk along side roads. …

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What about my work? DRAFT

In Camden, the single biggest source of gaseous and particulate pollution is ‘commercial buildings’. Do you know about the causes of your local air pollution?There are so many sorts of commercial buildings where you might be working – but lets pick out three: – Office / desk work– Construction– Restaurants, especially meat cooking Of course, …

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Am I – and my family – at risk? DRAFT

There is no safe level for air pollution. But some groups of people are more at risk. Both from spikes, and with ongoing levels of dirty air: Children and young people have lungs that are growing (until age 20). Younger people are physically smaller, and breathe faster – so air pollution has worse effects. And …

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How can schools have safer air? DRAFT

Ella Kissi Debra - on the left as you face the image - and her mum Rosamund

Children and young people are particularly vulnerable to the adverse health effects of poor air quality as their bodies (including lungs and brains) are still developing and they breathe faster than adults – so take in proportionally more air. 99.8% of schools in England are in areas where outdoor PM2.5 is modelled above WHO levels. …

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