I loved making this My Perspective collage!
It shows the Tate Turbine Hall. The assignment was to show perspective, and there’s an orange-line vanishing point vanishing off into the yellow distance, under a white roll-out. The side steps are in orange, and there’s that I-still-dont-know-what-it-is yellow/black/chalk lit-up thing perched high up facing right.
But mainly this collage shows the massive blue volume of the Turbine Hall, and the hidden volumes of Bruce Nauman’s Raw Materials sound installation.

You have to walk through Raw Materials to appreciate the words Nauman selected. There’s less work for My Perspective – but there is some: you have to turn over the paper flaps under the sharp ‘teeth’ of the words. After all, just like with Nauman, the words are shocking.
The sound-teeth-words on the left are: DONT DONT TOUCH NO REACTION NO / I have no control no emotional response / dont touch no reaction I have no control
While on the right its: AH AH Ah ah ah