Stone Carving

Here is a memorial completed, after two years work, by the stone-carving ustad shown in the other photographs. It is simply gorgeous, but normally languishes under a grubby green baize cloth in a small, dark and locked shrine. However, my ustad friend proudly took me on a trip to let me admire it. [C.S.5]

Stone Carving

This photograph shows exactly how the ustad grips his chisel (screwdriver blade) and hammer. This requires strong and flexible fingers – I got tired and stiff, when I tried for a few hours. [C.S.4]

Stone Carving

These are the most important tools of the stonemason restorer: the paper design copied or derived from motifs left on the memorial; adhesive tape and carbon paper to help transfer patterns; various hammers; and screwdriver blades for use as chisels. The design has been traced onto the ‘artificial stone’ on the top of the memorial, …

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Stone Carving

Here, the ustad (master craftsman) is adding more small pieces of the ‘artificial stone’ to smaller defects in the memorial. Unusually, this ustad is a young man – most are much older, and the limited interest from younger apprentices means that many traditional skills are at risk of being lost. [C.S.2]

Stone Carving

This damaged stone memorial, in Ardabil, is being restored by one of only seven appropriately skilled stone-carvers in Iran. He first makes ‘artificial stone’ (top and corner), using ground up stone similar to the original, plus various stabilisers. [C.S.1]

‘A sea of precious stones’

I’ve already talked about the Uzbeks returning a looted diamond to Shah Abbas, and the jewels Abbas gifted to Jahangir. Here’s another posting on jewels – this time in the current Iranian collection. When I visited this several years ago, I was lucky enough to be shown round by the Director himself.  Pressing my nose …

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Dadafest 40 portfolio

For my Dadafest40 application, here’s some examples from my portfolio:please click on the links, if you’d like to know more about the specific visuals / audio. Oct 24: Wired Hands: to be shown Royal Academy restaurantPhotography of my hand-wire sculpture. Selection: Sep 24: Camden postcards: to be shown Swiss Cottage Library Collages of my Photography plus …

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Weblink RUPT mawer:

eight images in Wake wash work

For my RUPT CADA application, here’s some examples of my work:If you’d like to know more about the linked images / audio, please scroll down and click on the links in title. Living experience: Wake Wash Work: a narrative of (some of) my disabilities: collage including digital drawing, photos, and x-rays. See aggregate image up …

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Wake Wash Work

eight images in Wake wash work

Shape Open 2023 has the theme Open All Hours and this above is my submission.For several decades I’ve been Open All Hours to a torrent of diagnoses and disabilities. Even with the Social Model, each new diagnosis needs time, both practically and emotionally. Time for the worry that inevitably comes alongside an uncertain future with degenerative diseases. Time …

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