For my RUPT CADA application, here’s some examples of my work:
If you’d like to know more about the linked images / audio, please scroll down and click on the links in title.
Living experience: Wake Wash Work: a narrative of (some of) my disabilities: collage including digital drawing, photos, and x-rays.
See aggregate image up above.
Deli Social Model Starters Podcasts: with:
– Ashokkumar Mistry on intersectionality
– Fionnathan, a son and father social enterprise, who reject the cult of individuality and the idea that we must operate solo – knowing that the best way to support one another is in loving interest.
– Jan Grue on stigma, grieving and invisible work
– Jodie Louise Russell on the dichotomy / split between disabled and nondisabled people and drawing parallels between how Disabled and Mad people are treated by society
– Fionnathan, a son and father social enterprise, who reject the cult of individuality and the idea that we must operate solo – knowing that the best way to support one another is in loving interest.

The Moon: Tarot card devised by invitation for Theatre Deli pack:
The ‘spinster’ shown here below is inspired by a seventeenth century card – she’s spinning the crescents the wrong way round for the actual phases of the moon – fitting with this card’s idea of illusion and deception. Also including the ancient lunar calendar stone at Knowth.

Bread and Roses Provocation for Theatre Deli social model festival: creative writing to audio:
“We all need bread, but I – and maybe you – also need roses.
I – and maybe you – have to expend so very much of my life on even less than bread – on those ‘activities of daily not-quite-living’ that so many others never have to think about and certainly don’t get exhausted doing.
I – and maybe you – try not to think about how rarely I am noticed as human.
But I – and maybe you too – wont Ever Stop Insisting on Roses as well as bread.”

The Hottest Day: creative writing, and audio, plus visual:
Yesterday was the hottest day in the history of the World.
Today is even Hotter
Tomorrow, I fear, will be an even hotter hottest day
The hot hot hot nights in between the hottest days give you no time to breathe
no time to rest
no time to count our dead.
66,000 dead from heat last year in Europe.
Many more this year. Many many more in Asia, America, Africa.
That’s just the humans.
Who’s counting the birds, the frogs, the butterflies.
England’s Industrial Revolution started this madness
But what badness are we doing now?
More and more
the British government backtracks, slow downs, fails goes on and on
While our Earth is sweltering.
Wild fires rage through virgin forest
Winds feed the fire, Fires stoke the wind.
While our earth is

Deep listening to start off Deli Social Model festival: visual invitation is digital drawing with found photos: mix of disabilities, ages, ethnicities, genders, sexuality: the participants are signing: Speak Out – We’re Listening
See outputs at:

London Climate Action: Walk across Bloomsbury: visual invitation:
We finished the walk at the Dickens Museum.

Bloomsbury festival: walk and visits: digital map invitation:

Second Look: the Moon in images: many links with the Quran: includes:
– Where / how does the moon travel over my flat?
– Windows
– My Moonlets
– Measurements of time
– One night with the moon

Multimorbidity B: This version adds more X-rays – as i got more morbidities – and meds, and diagnoses (in pink) plus self-care (in blue)

Multimorbidity: Rima Rupa Biennale, Djakarta:
a mix of my digital art and drawing, my photography, and images of x-rays of my chest and elbow.
There are two columns. The left picks out some of my multimorbidities; the right underlines the vibrance of my artistic response.
The three rows focus on, sequentially:
– My Special Eyes – look how I see
– My Special Breathing – trees and me breathe the same air. showing my tree-in-bud pneumonia
– My Special Movement : Have i moved your heart?

Ghost trees: in Losing Track exhibition responding to HS2 tree massacres

Trees dancing over the wood wide web: digital drawing on photo:
as part of my Pillars and Mirrors work.

Magnificent Multimorbidity: These two female figures are both self portraits, showing my multiple morbidities. My nakedness illustrates how vulnerable I can be. I’m also showing that I am more than a set of diagnoses: I am a human being and a woman. Both of the images are a collage of photographs of me and found objects, plus digital drawing.

Seeing stars: I’ve been lucky enough to be in places where the Milky Way feels so close that you might as well be swimming in it – and I have had a WowWowWow relationship with Dark Night Skies!
So I was very excited to be part of the Expedition Society/Lumen call.

Third Wave: creative writing, photos of my installation, found images / footage, digital drawing

Safe as Houses: partial view of installation: including coffin and:
– Dead bodies – spewing out the back of my TV;
– Looking out of the world – at the bulging paper lemons at the end of a perspective tunnel;
– How Safe? – for my two women (both aspects of me): vulnerable naked, or imprisoned;
– Running, running, running!
With audio of I’m in a cage;
and Malfunction.

Free-swimming free-weaving:
– Here’s some details of how I made the weave.
And here’s how this piece was shown in a pop-up at the British Museum.

Deathbed Skiing : A life-changing, death-changing experience. Deathbed Skiing is a new and different way to make your exit: starting on the side of a mountain, and ending in a Luscious Fruiting Forest of Dreams:
– Here’s some of the words for the performance;
And here’s how it all started – with so many thanks for Prof Jewyo Rhii.

Standing talking about my very special dad in my digital forest, as the trees fruited was the most Wonderful time! Thanks for all the support, Wandsworth Fringe!