I went on the Ancient Materials virtual residency with Mayes Creative
Of course, I was already producing multiple collages of the moon: since every night without too much cloud, I see multiple overlaid moon-lets. While you probably see only a single outline.
So I really enjoyed learning from the Royal Astronomical Society Librarian when she talked about the earliest lunar photographs. These were produced at a time of controversy about whether photography could ever be as accurate as drawing. Stereographs were super-popular at that time – as an early version of virtual reality.
I’m showing a digital work-in-progress here Stereoloon. A not-at-all facsimile of the lunar stereographs of the eminent Warren de la Rue – using my own paper collages, and (still!) experimenting with how to get the glow of the real moon.
The moon is of course our nearest astronomical neighbour.
I wanted to also look further away – including further away than is ever going to be possible to ‘see’.
Gravity is, of course, with us every single second of every single day (unless you’re Jeff Bezos!).
But we still have much to learn about / from this truly ancient material.
The undulations in spacetime caused by gravitational waves generated by colliding black holes far far away were first sensed less than a decade ago.
So I’m sharing here below a work-in-progress a beginners ‘history’ of gravity: a digital collage salvaged from the internet:

This includes images of Newton’s actual tree and apple – as well as a contemporary description of Newton seeing the apple drop.
There’s a cannon firing a cannon ball – showing Newton’s cannon-theory of how the moon circles the earth.
With an image of the 1916 eclipse which confirmed Einstein’s theory of relativity; as reported in the New York Times.
Plus some seminal notes of Einstein and Bessos which were sold at Christie’s for $13M last week.
All overlaid on a version of one of the Ligo Interferometers where gravitational waves are detected – with images of some of the very first detected gravitational waves.
I’ve got a special personal interest in gravity: my first solo show is deferred after I fell and broke my elbow.
When my elbow improves, I’m going to add something specific about me and gravity: about how walking is a special version of controlled falling.
List of artwork images including title, medium, size:
Title: Double Trouble Stereoloon
Medium: Digital not-at-all facsimile of Warren de la Rue’s stereographs, using my collage moons, with experimental lighting
Size: Digital at 250 pixels per inch – so can expand. Minimum size: 36 by 35.23 cm
Title: The History of Gravity
Medium: Digital collage salvaged from the internet, building on discussions with Make contributors
Size: Digital at 250 pixels per inch – so can expand. Minimum size: 35.56 by 25.4 cm