Evaluation: Deathbed Skiing

At the end of the event, 20 people filled in the evaluation form . Some details of the results are below, with some comments. In summary:53% rated the event as excellent – the rest thought it was good.Most of the audience was new to the venue, the artist and WAF.Death is a feminist issue so it …

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Planning for # WAF10

I'm currently developing my bid for the Wandsworth Art Fringe (WAF10: 3-19 May 2019.) Three components are planned: 1. Cycle of Life: building on and further developing the four linked multimedia presentations I did at the Showroom Gallery; 2. Blink: a video looking into and out of my eyes; 3. Music from some very special ...

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The Cycle of Life

Watered by the warm water I used to wash my dad's dead body, the little black and white forest grows and greens. As it starts fruiting., the cycle of life becomes obvious

I’ve produced a series of artworks sharing some of what I learnt about the Cycle of Life whilst my dad was dying. My dad wisely didn’t stop living just because the doctors told him that he was terminally ill. Like many doctors, I had thought I was something of an expert at dying. But then …

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2. Deathbed Skiing: a digital collage

When my dad was so near death that he’d stopped talking, he got out of his bed to stand as though he was deathbed skiing his last Black Run.

This digital collage of Deathbed Skiing shows me talking into, walking and standing alongside one of the Showroom Korean ‘machines’ that underpinned ‘Dawn Breaks’ (the ‘story bus’). The words I said are here. When my dad was so near death that he’d stopped talking, he got out of his bed. People that close to death don’t get out of …

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2. Deathbed Skiing: the words

Talking into the Story Bus

Here are the words I said at the multimedia performance of Deathbed Skiing at the Showroom gallery, along with a few images:   Deathbed Skiing Later on my dad stops talking. Gets less responsive. More restless restless restless.  I want to freshen him up. Put his arms. Around my neck  Sit him. Forward. And He. Tries. to get out of …

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