Love and resilience in Camden amidst Covid

Standing in my Luscious Fruiting Forest of Dreams

Details of Vanessa’s previous work are as in email Here below are brief details of some of my relevant pieces : Upcoming is: Lest we forget: a five minute two-hander live performance – is going to be shown in Cockpit Theatre in January 2022. Before that, chronologically: I made an intimate performance about my dad’s …

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The Cycle of Life

Watered by the warm water I used to wash my dad's dead body, the little black and white forest grows and greens. As it starts fruiting., the cycle of life becomes obvious

I’ve produced a series of artworks sharing some of what I learnt about the Cycle of Life whilst my dad was dying. My dad wisely didn’t stop living just because the doctors told him that he was terminally ill. Like many doctors, I had thought I was something of an expert at dying. But then …

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3. Heartbeat: digital collage

Heartbeat: This image shows what happened when my dad took his last breath

This digital collage is about what happened to my dad’s heartbeat when he took his last breath. I’m showing the sound and light and movement during the multimedia performance in the Showroom gallery. The image shows a colleague clapping my dad’s heartbeat (on the left) and me talking (on the right). On either edge are (white on …

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Praxis Forum submission

The Cycle of Life. This 'forest' grew from the acorn heart in 'Heartbeat', watered by my tears into a sprout. Then the warm water used to wash my dad's body 'grew' it into a forest, with more and more fruit

This is a very brief summary of my Praxis Forum submission. Praxis Forum put out an open call for visual artists who are interested in collaboration and in pushing the boundaries of their artistic practice. Applications from disabled artists were especially welcome. There is to be a year-long programme of monthly peer mentoring forums, including peer crits, discussions, …

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4. Ultimate Living: the words

Watered by the warm water I used to wash my dad's dead body, the little black and white forest grows and greens. As it starts fruiting., the cycle of life becomes obvious

These are the words I used in the multimedia performance of Ultimate Living, with some of the images: Ultimate Living: Often. in the hospice. I washed my dad. Freshening him up through the day.  Just because he has died, I’m not going to stop. He must have washed me ALL OVER like this when I was a small baby. …

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2. Deathbed Skiing: the words

Talking into the Story Bus

Here are the words I said at the multimedia performance of Deathbed Skiing at the Showroom gallery, along with a few images:   Deathbed Skiing Later on my dad stops talking. Gets less responsive. More restless restless restless.  I want to freshen him up. Put his arms. Around my neck  Sit him. Forward. And He. Tries. to get out of …

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1. Black Run: the words

U my show: when the Back Run was shown

Here are the words I said at the performance of Black Run at the Showroom gallery, with a few of the many images: Black Run: This is my DAD. He’s an Expert at LIVING.  The Doctors told him his Cancer was TERMINAL. But my dad kept on and on EXPERTLY living, living, living. Then one morning. He. Told me. …

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1. Black run

Now I turn and step out to face this life-size image of my dad

The images for the Black Run story were shown on the metalphoric theatre – one of the Korean ‘machines’ that underpinned ‘Dawn Breaks’ at the Showroom Gallery. I stood alongside telling the story of my dad’s expertise at living. Initially I had my back to the audience – I wanted them to experience the speed of a …

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