My photos are primarily about what I saw FROM my windows. So it seems appropriate to display examples of my ‘moonlets’ IN the windows of of the Dialogue Hub Cafe. Here above are some onsite photos (on a very sunny day so with lots of reflections – apologies!):
While I sketched the moon, I saw double versions of what I was drawing. Which kept on complicating things since I was already seeing multiple small moons nestling inside the large lunar outline.
Here’s one of the first sketches I made:

On the way into the Dialogue cafe, behind the door, I’m showing some images of how my eyes work. They’re special – not at all standard!

See below for a close up of the highest image. This is laid out similarly to Warren de le Rue’s 1858 lunar stereographs.
I’m showing a modern method of photographing how well (or otherwise!) my eyes function when I look at the moon. Mounted in the traditional red rectangular mounts, two multicolour circular ‘maps’ show what’s happening just below my eye-lids: where the cornea acts as the ‘windows’ into the eyes.

Their eyes humbled Q79/9
There’s hardly any ‘normal’ green or yellow. My left eye, especially, has lots of red.
My two eyes then ‘work’ together in the natural ‘stereoscope’ of my head.
In practice, what actually happens is that my head focuses on the ‘better’ quality data coming from the right eye!
The gold lettering is something of a spoof – naming the images as stereoloons (o-o-n-s : not even stereolunes l-u-n-e-s!) – and describing them as digitised by Fitzroy and O Donnel (a posh version of my address, to parallel the upmarket firm de la Rue used).
There’s a more closely linked spoof of de la Rue’s stereographs below. His 1858 originals use the then-most modern method of photography – with two glass photographic positives ‘mapping’ the moon, as seen in three dimensions through a stereoscope.
It’s one of the earliest versions of Virtual Reality.
As above, I’m copying the traditional red rectangular mounts.
To substitute for the original glass, I’ve created two collaged views of the moon, as seen through my two eyes – only a few hours after an eye operation. The operated eye sees much more like a standard shining view of the moon. The other eye somehow has many more of the ‘moonlets’ than ever before.

He knows that which deceives the eyes … Q40/19
Im purposely including these images of the working on my eyes to underline that I’m not at all trying to produce anything near as perfect as the Moon, and all the other splendid creations of Allah.
Instead I’m keen to encourage you to look more carefully at those gorgeous creations.
Not only huge creations like the moon. But also smaller and even the smallest things.
For example:

It started on my balcony at less-than-knee-high last year – and has grown to be taller than me.
With my heavily fruiting lemon tree behind it.
I became a Muslim because of the Quran.
Its wise and beautiful. actually, its Very Wise. And Very Beautiful.
So my not-at-all-secret-plan is that maybe you might enjoy the snippets I’ve shared about the moon in the Quran.
And try Reading a bit more
Maybe dont start at the front – the Quran sometimes works better from the back?!