Losing Track Exhibition

Exhibition page - losing track - with my ghosts image at the top

Irreplaceable World was looking for work exploring the notion of the irreplaceable in the natural world – with specific reference to HS2. And my photo/digital drawing was the first image in the exhibition! One hundred and eight woodland sites are predicted to be affected by HS2. It’s the biggest deforestation programme in the UK since …

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Other examples of my previous work for 2022 Choreodrome residency

– The Deathbed skiing video I submitted in my application, followed a pilot in The Showroom, with the movement there shown in some 2D digital art : https://carolinemawer.com/deathbed-skiing/ – Luscious Fruiting Forest of Dreams: the video here shows a later part of my Tara Arts performance: – with the pilot shown in 2D here: https://carolinemawer.com/4-ultimate-living/  …

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Love and resilience in Camden amidst Covid

Standing in my Luscious Fruiting Forest of Dreams

Details of Vanessa’s previous work are as in email Here below are brief details of some of my relevant pieces : Upcoming is: Lest we forget: a five minute two-hander live performance – is going to be shown in Cockpit Theatre in January 2022. Before that, chronologically: I made an intimate performance about my dad’s …

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My first forest

Beatrice Leal unfortunately had to defer her SOAS talk about the glorious mosaics in Great mosque of Damascus. But when I took the opportunity to find out as much as i could about her work – some is here and here – she asked why I was interested. So I am revisiting my first forest …

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My Covid-era work – so far …

Im sitting - in my shorts - in my installation. Theres a prisoner in Guantanamo orange ranting on her phone, a coffin with the corpse shown rotting on the side, and a vulnerable naked woman lying on the sofa. Theres lots more not visible here.

Here are brief details of most of my Covid-era pieces – so far:Starting from the first lockdown, being forcibly separated from my previous ‘normal’ helped (actually forced!) me to work with a range of new-to-me media – including installation, (prize-winning) film, mixed photo-drawing, and weaving. I’ve used these to reflect on my ever-changing lived experience in the …

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Ancient materials: above and below

two pairs of 'stereographic' collage moons, with red surround, and gold engravings - looking like Warren de la Rue lunar stereographs

I went on the Ancient Materials virtual residency with Mayes CreativeOf course, I was already producing multiple collages of the moon: since every night without too much cloud, I see multiple overlaid moon-lets. While you probably see only a single outline. So I really enjoyed learning from the Royal Astronomical Society Librarian when she talked …

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My special digital art is up in Jakarta

see text for description of this 1 by 1.5m multimedia art

Recently, I’ve been feeling ridiculously disabled. So when I got an invitation from the lovely Andrew Bolton to submit some disability art to a festival in Jakarta, I thought I’d make some ridiculous disability art. And here it is up at the very top. It’s 1 m x 1.5 metres: a mix of my digital …

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