Camden postcards: air pollution

facing left: my photo of gorgeous Brunswick Plan in late spring, in front of Brunswick centre. Right half: very high air pollution shown on website report.

Part of Camden’s Adult community learning included a callout to create postcards.Im a climate activist – with a Breathe London monitor, and working with Global Action plan. So , obviously, I wanted to do something on local air pollution. I think produces great graphics.So I’ve linked my photos with the relevant postcode data. I …

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My balcony

I love my balcony! Its great being out there with plant- and insect-life. Here’s what full sun looks like: Now im increasingly disabled, i struggle to walk out into my little heaven.To do the proper watering , primping and cooing. With recent hospital admissions, and the changeable winter spring, ive very sadly lost some plantsIm …

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Weblink RUPT mawer:

eight images in Wake wash work

For my RUPT CADA application, here’s some examples of my work:If you’d like to know more about the linked images / audio, please scroll down and click on the links in title. Living experience: Wake Wash Work: a narrative of (some of) my disabilities: collage including digital drawing, photos, and x-rays. See aggregate image up …

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Glasgow photography competition: movement

Showing brutalist Brunswick Centre with sun rising on the left - reflecting off the window glass - and the moon going down on the right

Ive been trying to submit to this competitition They seem to be looking for photographs showing rapid small-scale movement? I want to show much more fundamental movement: that of the Earth rotating round the Sun, and the Moon rotating round the Earth and Sun.Of course it appears as though we on the Earth are stationary – and …

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Wake Wash Work

eight images in Wake wash work

Shape Open 2023 has the theme Open All Hours and this above is my submission.For several decades I’ve been Open All Hours to a torrent of diagnoses and disabilities. Even with the Social Model, each new diagnosis needs time, both practically and emotionally. Time for the worry that inevitably comes alongside an uncertain future with degenerative diseases. Time …

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Curating Theatre Deli festival: Social Model .. and More. Some of my specific outputs.

First call-out to Theatre Deli social model festival

My role is much more listening / influencing than ‘doing specific things’. But here are some of my specific festival outputs. After my comments initiated the festival, my first input as a curator was to say: We must start as we mean to go along – by listening to and hearing the diverse voices of …

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Is this me?

I want to be clear that my disabilities – like many other people’s – are not static. And that I’m much more than my diagnoses.See what I can and have created!Look at what else I am!But I also want to be clear about the uncertainties I live with. Is this me? This image started as …

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Bertrand Russell … and accessibility

Camden is rethinking our local statues.We were asked to think about some of the statues – and also think what we would truly like to commemorate.I couldnt go to the first session as the venue is not accessible.So that’s my first idea: get accessible! Lets make venues accessible – and then commemorate accessibility! We focussed on …

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